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M5=M7+M8,M9=M10+M11(M5 : 现有人口,M7 : 摸底时住本户,户口在其他村(居)委会,M8 :户口待定人口)。()

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张小小家:摸底时张小小和妻子在家,只有一个孩子,为高三学生,平时在市中区住校,但一家三口户口都在本户。经了解该建筑物内再无其他人居住,也无户口寄挂,一年内没有出生和死亡 ,那M5(摸底时住本户的人数)和M9(户口在本户,摸底时未居住在本户的人数)分别为()














After having assured their return journey,the writer and his companion could concentrateon

After having assured their return journey,

the writer and his companion could concentrate

on collecting and film animals. Deciding to 【M1】______

enlist the help the local Indians, they made

their way to a nearby village, in which proved 【M2】______

to be a few dilapidated huts in a pleasant

valley. The Indians they found there worn 【M3】______

remnants of European clothes and had

obviously abandoned their traditional way

of life. They kept a few disease chickens 【M4】______

and skinny cattle instead of hunting for

their meat. The writer' s companion explained

that they were looking for birds and mammals,

particular armadillos, for which they would 【M5】______

pay well. Anyone who could show them inhabited

nests and holes, they have said, would be 【M6】______

well rewarded. The Indians were apathetic

and uncooperative. Noticing the absence of

biting insects, the writer asked whether

they had ever troubled by them, to which 【M7】______

the Indians replied by slowly shaking their

heads. The writer recognized that he 【M8】______

considered that having to live in such a hot,

humid atmosphere would no doubt have 【M9】______

made him lethargic too. The headman explained

the inconvenience of the villagers had, for

severe weeks previously, been contemplating 【M10】______

cutting down a particular tree and until a

decision on this matter was reached, no other

activity could possibly be considered.


Thomas Malthus published his Essay on the Principle of Populationalmost 200 years ago. Eve

Thomas Malthus published his Essay on the Principle of Population

almost 200 years ago. Ever since then, forecasters have being warning 【M1】 ______

that worldwide famine was just around the next comer. The fast-growing

population's demand for food, they warned, would soon exceed their 【M2】 ______

supply, leading to widespread food shortages and starvation.

But in reality, the world's total grain harvest has risen steadily over the

years. Except for relative isolated trouble spots like present-day Somalia, 【M3】 ______

and occasional years of good harvests, the world's food crisis has remained 【M4】 ______

just around the comer. Most experts believe this can continue even as ff 【M5】 ______

the population doubles by the mid-21st century, although feeding l0 billion

people will not be easy for politics, economic and environmental reasons. 【M6】 ______

Optimists point to concrete examples of continued improvements in yield.

In Africa, by instance, improved seeds, more fertilizers and advanced 【M7】 ______

growing practices have more than double com and wheat yields in an 【M8】 ______

experiment. Elsewhere, rice experts in the Philippines are producing

a plant with few stems and more seeds. There is no guarantee that plant 【M9】 ______

breeders can continue to develop new, higher-yielding crop, but most 【M10】______

researchers see their success to date as reason for hope.


The richness of our languages is considered by many to be the distinctive and crowing ach
ievement in human evolution. Language provides us for the means to communicate ideas, emotions and【M1】______ knowledge and express our cultural identity. In Europe different languages are a fact of life. The European Union considers the diversity of tongues as an inalienable component of our cultural heritage; but【M2】______ the principle of language equality is present in Europes founding treaties. Preserving linguistic diversity has been at heart of its policy【M3】______ from the very beginning. However, linguistic diversity demands a sustain and substantial investment. For example, the European【M4】______ institutions spend considerable portions of their operational budgets on translation and interpretation services. For European industry and business language diversity is a challenge or an asset, as the【M5】______ Commission has recently pointed out in its first Communication ever on a new strategic framework for multilingualism. What is sure that【M6】______ early investment in multilingual communication technologies can provide rapid access to new and emerging markets anywhere in the world—the factor that is vital for the long-run success of Europe. The【M7】______ ability to access and use information across the languages is vital for【M8】______ citizens, governments, and commerce. And human languages technologies can play an important role for enabling easy【M9】______ communication between people, administrations and businesses. The European Union, in collaboration with the Member States, have sponsored over the last 20 years several R&D actions which【M10】______ have contributed to building expertise, resources and a pan-European language infrastructure.


The modern world could not operate without roads. It is a way of life with almost every fa

The modern world could not operate without roads. It is a way

of life with almost every family in the western world owning an

automobile. In Australia alone, billions of dollars are spending on 【M1】 ______

road maintenance and enhancements each year, such as new

bridges and the highway development. Highways are the public's 【M2】 ______

main source of transportation to reach other, towns and cities with

the increased speed limits to make traveling slower. In contrast, 【M3】 ______

town roads are designed for short travel with many streets and sharp

turns to negotiate in slower speeds and for the pedestrians to cross at 【M4】 ______

convenient places like traffic lights. Research studies in the United

Kingdom, Australia, the United States have shown that human 【M5】 ______

issues contribute to 95 % of accidents, road factors only to about

one fifth of that percentage and vehicle factors for fewer than 5%. 【M6】 ______

With road improvements speed has been allowed to raise, 【M7】 ______

except for special reasons like school and residential areas which 【M8】 ______

the limit has been lowered. Current speed limits are necessary. The

speeds on normal roads in Australia ranging from 40km/h to 【M9】 ______

110km/h which is due to the series of road situations.

Specialization of motor vehicles is a very common process which

allows the driver to enhance his/her automobile to obtain the

desired appearance or performance ability. It is only when this

process gets out of control when the driver becomes a risk. 【M10】______


The most consistently identified teacher effectiveness variable is time on task. That is
, the more time that students spend on learning specific academic content, the better they will learn it. Distinction is made between allocated time on task(the time that teachers allocate to particular instructional activities)and engaged time on task(the time that students actually spend engaged in instruction). Because no consistent relation has been seen between【M1】______ allocated time on task and academic achievement, research has demonstrated that engaged time on task is positive related to【M2】______ academic achievement. Strategies for maximizing engaged time on task have been identified and included effectively managing transitions, avoiding【M3】______ digressions and other irrelevant verbalizations, and manage【M4】______ classroom behavior. Sometimes, teachers can improve student-engaged time on task by examining the amount of allocated time for class and monitoring their own teacher behaviors more closely. For example, teachers may find that they start classes 5 minutes late, end classes 5 minutes early, stop during the middle of class to search for relevant instructional materials, and stop to manage appropriate classroom behaviors.【M5】______ Once such target areas are identified, teachers can design strategies to improve each area that will lead in increasing the amount of【M6】______ student-engaged time on task during classes. Effective teacher presentations have also been identified. Teachers minimize achievement when their presentations contain【M7】______ elements as structure of lesson, clarity of teacher presentation,【M8】______ redundancy in emphasizing important concepts, and enthusiasm. Structure includes listing students attention, providing a lesson【M9】______ overview that includes lesson objectives, providing outlines of the lesson and to indicating when transitional points occur, and【M10】______ summarizing and reviewing key points as the lesson proceeds.


Despite that the wave of industrial development that has 【M1】______swept much of East Asia

Despite that the wave of industrial development that has 【M1】______

swept much of East Asia in recent decades, the country of 80

million remains extremely poor, mismanaged and still' was 【M2】______

predominant agrarian. But the Philippines docs play a visible 【M3】______

role in the global economy, thanks largely to a single export

commodity—its people. According to the government, I mil

lion Philippines will go abroad as contract workers this year, 【M4】______

the biggest exodus ever. "The Philippines has already sur

passed Mexico as the largest source of migrant labor in the

word," says Manolo I. Abella, a migration specialist at the

International Labour Office in Geneva. In all, about 8 mil

lion Filipinos—an astounded one tenth of the country's 【M5】______

citizens—currently work overseas to support families back home.

They remit more than $ 7 billion annually, according to the

government, and that's only' official transfers. A recent Asian 【M6】______

Development Bank report put the real figure in the $ 14

billion to $ 21 billion range a sum that dwarfs both foreign direct

investment and aid flowing into the country, and amounts

3 2 percent of GNP. In the past, the Philippines 【M7】______

is shamed by its inability to create enough good jobs to keep 【M8】______

its people at home. But hard economic reality—a 14 percent

unemployment rate and one of the highest poverty indexes in

the world (nearly half the population subsists on less than $ 2

a day)—has shifted the sentiment. Today, in a move that

countries like Indonesia and Bangladesh are likely to emulate

itself, the government takes the position that, like it or not, 【M9】______

the overseas workers constitute nation's biggest comparative

advantage in an increasingly borderless world. And so Manila

makes it easy for its citizens to immigrate, and works hard, 【M10】______

through its embassies, to see that their rights as foreign workers

are protected.


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