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The other problem that arises from the employment of women is that of the working wife. It

has two aspects: that of the wife who is more of a success than her husband and that of the wife who must rely heavily on her husband for help with domestic tasks. There are various ways in which the impact of the first difficulty can be reduced. Provided that husband and wife are not in the same or directly comparable lines of work, the harsh fact of her greater success can be obscured by a genial conspiracy to reject a purely monetary measure of achievement as intolerably crude. Where there are ranks, it is best if the couple work in different fields so that the husband can find some special reason for the superiority of the lowest figure in his to the most elevated in his wife's.

A problem that affects a much larger number of working wives is the need to re-allocate domestic tasks if there are children. In The Road to Wigan Pier George Orwell wrote of the unemployed of the Lancashire coalfields! "Practically never...in a working-class home, will you see the man doing a stroke of the housework. Unemployment has not changed this convention, which on the face of it seems a little unfair. The man is idle from morning to night but the woman is as busy as ever—more so, indeed, because she has to manage with less money. Yet so far as my experience goes the women do not protest. They feel that a man would lose his manhood if. merely because he was out of work, he developed in a 'Mary Ann'".

It is over the care of young children that this re-allocation of duties becomes really significant. For this, unlike the cooking of fish fingers or the making of beds, is an inescapably time-consuming occupation, and time is what the fully employed wife has no more to spare of than her husband.

The male initiative in courtship is a pretty indiscriminate affair, something that is tried on with any remotely plausible woman who comes within range and, of course, with all degrees of tentativeness. What decides the issue of whether a genuine courtship is going to get under way is the woman's response. If she shows interest the engines of persuasion are set in movement. The truth is that in courtship society gives women the real power while pretending to give it to men.

What does seem clear is that the more men and women are together, at work and away from it, the more the comprehensive amorousness of men towards women will have to go, despite all its past evolutionary services. For it is this that makes inferiority at work abrasive and, more indirectly, makes domestic work seem unmanly, if there is to be an equalizing redistribution of economic and domestic tasks between men and women there must be a compensating redistribution of the erotic initiative. If women will no longer let us beat them they must allow us to join them as the blushing recipients of flowers and chocolates.

Paragraph One advises the working wife who is more successful than her husband to______.

A.work in the same sort of job as her husband

B.play down her success, making it sound unimportant

C.stress how much the family gains from her high salary

D.introduce more labour-saving machinery into the home

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The strange close understanding between twins is a familiar enough phenomenon. Often they
seem to understand each other and share each other' s emotions to such an extent that one suspects some kinds of thought communication.

What is not so widely known is that this special relationship often acts as brake on twins' intellectual development. As they are partly isolated in their own private world, twins communicate less with adults than do other children. The verbal ability of a four-year-old twin is typically six months behind that of a non-twin. The problem can be particularly severe in a deprived home, a one-parent family for example, where there is little stimulation for children anyway.

Such children, while capable of mutual comprehension in a private language, often remain in comprehensible to outsiders and thus at a severe educational disadvantage. The only solution to the problem, cruel though it may seem, is to separate the twins thus forcing them to acquire ordinary speech helped and guided by sympathetic parents and teachers.

Many people don' t know that ______.

A.twins understand each other very well

B.twins are slow to learn to talk

C.twins are unlikely to do less well at school than other children

D.there exists more communication between twins

Many people would agree同意 that stress压力 is a major 主要的 problem in modern life.
It is certainly当然 true that worry担忧 and quarrel争吵 can cause导致 all kinds种类of illnesses疾病,(1) backache背疼 to severe严重的 headaches 头疼, or even甚至 more serious严重的 complaints投诉 such as igh blood pressure高血压

Many of us think of stress as some thing that other people (2) on us.We often complain fel 2 about how other people put us under pressure 压力.But we should try not to let such pressure affect影响us.We should not forget忘记 that we are largely大部分(3) for some of the stress ourselves.Sometimes 有时候 we take(4) more work than our bodies and our minds头脑 can handle处理, And we should be aware意识到Of(5) things are really important and which are not.(完型填空)






Traffic statistics paint a gloomy picture. To help solve their traffic woes, some rapidly
growing US cities have simply built more roads. But traffic experts say building more roads is a quick-fix solution that will not alleviated the traffic problem in the long run. Soaring land costs, increasing concern over social and environmental disruptions caused by road building, and the likelihood that more roads can only lead to more cars and traffic are powerful factors bearing down on a 1950s-style. construction program①.

The goal of smart-highway technology is to make traffic systems work at optimum efficiency by treating the road and the vehicles traveling on them as an integral transportation system. Proponents of the advanced technology say electronic detection systems, closed-circuit television, radio-communication, ramp metering variable message signing, and other smart-highway technology can now be used at a reasonable cost to improve communication between drivers and the people who monitor traffic②.

Pathfinder, a Santa Monica, California-based smart-highway project in which a 14-mile stretch of the Santa Monica Freeway, making up what is called a "smart corridor," is being instrumented with buried loops in the pavement. Closed-circuit television cameras survey the flow of traffic; while communication linked to property equipped automobiles advise motorists of the least congested routes or detours.

Not all traffic experts, however, look to smart-highway technology as the ultimate solution to traffic gridlock. Some say the high-tech approach is limited and can only offer temporary solutions to a serious problem.

"Electronics on the highway addresses just one aspects of the problem: how to regulate traffic more efficiently," explains Michael Renner, senior researcher at the world-watch Institute. "It does not deal with the central problem of too many cars for roads that cannot be built fast enough. It sends people the wrong message. They start thinking 'yes, there used to be a traffic congestion problem, but that's been solved now because we have advanced high-tech system in place." Larson agrees and adds, "Smart highway is just one of the tools that we use to deal with our traffic problems. It is not the solution itself, just pan of package. There are different strategies."

Other traffic problem-solving options being studied and experimented with include car-pooling, rapid mass-transit systems, staggered or flexible work hours and road pricing, a system whereby motorists pay a certain amount for the time they use a highway③.

It seems that we need a new, major thrust to deal with the traffic problems of the next 20 years. There has to be a big change and a long way to go.

The compound word "quick-fix' (Line 2, Para. 1 ) is closest in meaning to ______.

A.an optional solution

B.an expedient solution

C.a ready solution

D.an efficient solution

How man first learnt to invent words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is
a mystery. All we really know is that man, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed upon certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to stand for those sounds, and which could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken or written in letters, we call words.

The power of words, then lies in their association with the things they bring up before our minds. Words became filled with meanings for us by experience; and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the glad and sad events of our past; and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something to us increase.

Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words that appeal powerfully to our minds and emotions. We should therefore learn to choose our words carefully and use them exactly, or they will make our speech silly and impolite.

The origin of language is ______.

A.clearly explained in this passage

B.a matter that can not be or has not been explained or understood

C.a question that was difficult to answer

D.a problem already solved

Examinations have a longer history in China than in any other country

, yet it is today an issue around in which controversy flourishes. At each stage of their school lives children are faced with exams: exams to enter junior middle school, senior middle school, vocational school, colleges and universities. As a result of having constantly to think of these hurdles facing them children find themselves under constant pressure, unable to take time off from studying exam-oriented subjects to relax with friends or to develop other interests. Within school the concentration on exam success leads to the neglect of courses which are not central to the examinations and a method of teaching and learning which emphasizes training the ability to do well in tests but neglects developing the ability to think creatively.

Despite such criticisms the examination system still has its defenders. Without it, they argue, how can we test students' abilities and evaluate the effectiveness of teachers and schools? They believe that they provide the only objective way of selecting students and reduce the exercise of unfair back-door practices to gain advantage for children on the basis of influence or corruption. Examinations are also felt to offer the impetus to students to master their subject in a way in which they otherwise might not. "While too much anxiety can be a bad thing, a little anxiety can stimulate students to learn better than if left without any test to pass," says Li Jie, a leading advocate of the value of testing. "I can remember things now which give me great pleasure which I doubt I would have learned at the time if I had not had to do so for the examinations."

57. Which of the following statements about examinations in China is correct?

[A] People can make money out of examinations.

[B] Only students of today have to take examinations.

[C] Students have to learn more about history than about any other subjects.

[D] People have different opinions concerning the value of examinations.

58. What is a possible result if students pay too much attention to examinations?

[A] Students neglect those exam-oriented subjects.

[B] Students are unable to relax with friends or to develop other interests.

[C] Teachers neglect the training of the students' ability to do well in tests.

[D] Students only pay attention to the development of their ability to think creatively.

59. Which of the following has NOT been mentioned as the advantage of examinations?

[A] Examinations are the only objective way of selecting students.

[B] Examinations are the only objective way to eliminate the problem of corruption.

[C] Examinations can tell us that too much anxiety can be a bad thing.

[D] Examinations can better stimulate students to study.

60. According to the passage, why are some people against exams?

[A] They are meaningless.

[B] They will make students learn something useless.

[C] They are believed to cause stress for the students.

[D] They are not related to the reality of life.

61. Which of the following is an acceptable summary of the organization of this passage?

[A] Discussing a problem in education.

[B] Refuting a long held opinion.

[C] Persuading people to believe an idea.

[D] Presenting a controversial issue and arguments from both sides.

(非英语专业做)There was a time when parents who wanted an educational present for their ch


There was a time when parents who wanted an educational present for their children would buy a typewriter, a globe or an encyclopedia set. Now those 【61】 seem hopelessly old fashioned. This Christmas, there were a lot of 【62】 computers under the tree. 【63】 that computers are the key to success, parents insist that children 【64】 taught to use them in school as early as possible.

The problem for schools is that when it 【65】 computers, parents do not always know best and are eagerly urging the schools to offer computer courses as soon as possible. Many schools are 【66】 parental impatience and are purchasing hardware hastily 【67】 good educational planning, saying "OK, we've moved into the computer age. " Teachers 【68】 themselves caught in the middle of the problem between parental pressure and 【69】 educational decisions.

Educators do not even agree 【70】 how computers should be used. A lot of money is going for computerized educational materials 【71】 can be taught 【72】 with pencil and paper. Even those who believe that all children should 【73】 to computer warn that there are potential 【74】 to the very young. The temptation of the computer is so strong that young children who quickly 【75】 themselves to it are never aware how much time they have 【76】 on it.

These are some other problems. 【77】 every school can afford to go into computing, and there is a division 【78】 the haves and the have-nots. Very few parents ask 【79】 computer instruction in poor school districts, 【80】 there may be barely enough money to pay the reading teacher.






Do you realize that every time you take a step, the bones in your hip are subjected to for
ces between four and five times your body weight? When you are running, this force is increased further still. What happens if through disease a hip-joint ceases to be able to resist such forces? For many years hip-joints and other body joints have been replaceable either partially or completely. It is after all a simple ball and socket joint; it has certain loads imposed on it; it needs reliability over a defined life; it must contain materials suitable for the working environment. Any engineer will recognize these as characteristic of a typical engineering problem, which doctors and engineers have worked together to solve, in order to bring a fresh lease of life to people who would otherwise be disabled.

This typifies the way in which engineers work to help people and create a better quality of life. The fact that this country has the most efficient agricultural industry in the world is another good example. Mechanical engineers have worked with farmers and biologists to produce fertilizers, machinery and harvesting systems. This team effort has now produced crops uniformly waist high or less so that they are better suited to mechanical harvesting. Similar advances with other crops have released people from hard and boring jobs for more creative work, whilst machines harvest crops more efficiently with less waste. Providing more food for the rapidly increasing population is yet another role for the mechanical engineer.

According to the passage, when would most weight be imposed on hip-joints?

A.When one is walking.

B.When one is running.

C.When one is standing.

D.When one is lying down.

Many people find the experience of attending university lectures to be confusing and
frustrating experience.The lecturer speaks for one or two hours, perhaps (1)The talk with slides, writing up important information on the blackboard distributing reading material and giving out assignment.The new students sees the other students continuously writing on notebooks and wonders what to write.Very often the student leave the lecture with notes which do not catch the main points and(2) become hard even for the students to understand

Most institutions provide courses which assist new students to develop the skills they need to be effectively listeners and note-takers.If these are unavailable.there are many usual study-skills guides which (3) learners to practice these skills independently.In all cases it is important to (4) the problem before actually starting your studies

It is important to acknowledge that most students have difficulty in acquiring the language required in college study.One way of (5)these difficulties is to attend the language and study-skills classes which most institutions provide throughout the academic year.Another basic strategy is to find a study partner with whom it is possible to identify difficulties, exchange ideas and provide support.(完型填空)






The garbage does not simply disappear.It may go on to a transfer station.Since it is
difficult and expensive to dispose at landfill sites and incinerators .People are encouraged to recycle and compost (堆肥) picked up and taken and will be carefully buried or burned.The problem with these methods othey cost money, take up land and cause pollution.

One solution to the problem of solid waste disposal is composting.Some things that can beand vegetable peels.People can compost these food products by placing them in an outdoor decompose(分解 ) into a substance called compost.Compost, which contains plant nutrients, cto help other plants grow.

Another solution to the problem of solid waste disposal is recycling.Some things can be recycled, such as glass newspapers.People can recycle used products by putting them in the "blue box".The recycled goods are melt doRecycling and composting are two ways of reducing the amount of solid waste.These methods show people a nmany things people throw away can be used again .

1.Which of the following situation will be after the new ways to deal with garbage is used? ()

A、more solid waste will be produced

B、less solid waste will be produced

C、The same amount of solid waste will be produced

D、people will stop producing solid wast

2.The passage encourages people to ()their solid waste




D、recycle or compost

3.The main idea for the second paragraph is

A、compost is a special substance that provides your garden with nutrients

B、composting is one of ways to reduce solid waste

C、it can take a long time for compost to z, depending on what you put in the compost bi

D、meat, fish and grease are three things that you cannot put in your compost

4.The passage is mainly concerned with ().

A.Explain how to make compost and how it can benefit your garden.

B.Choose the best way to reduce solid waste: composting or recycling.

C、Compare and contrast composting with traditional garbage disposal.

D、Classify the different methods of throwing away household garbage

5.Which place is not a destination for solid waste?

A、a transfer station

B、a landfill site

C、a recycling depot

D、an incinerator

In the information technology industry, it is widely acknowledged that how well IT departm
ents of the future can fulfill their business goals will depend not on the regular updating of technology, which is essential for them to do, but on how well they can hold on to the people skilled at manipulating the newest technology. This is becoming more difficult. Best estimates of the current shortfall in IT staff in the UK are between 30,000 and 50,000, and growing.

And there is no end to the problem in sight. A severe industry-wide lack of investment in training means the long-term skills base is both ageing and shrinking. Employers are chasing experienced staff in ever-decreasing circles, and, according to a recent government report, 250,000 new IT jobs will be created over the next decade.

Most employers are confining themselves to dealing with the immediate problems. There is little evidence, for example, that they are stepping up their intake of raw recruits for in-house training, or retraining existing staff from other functions. This is the course of action recommended by the Computer Software Services Association, but research shows its members are adopting the short-term measure of bringing in more and more consultants on a contract basis.

With IT professionals increasingly attracted to the financial rewards and flexibility of consultancy work, average staff turnover rates are estimated to be around 15%. While many companies in the financial services sector are managing to contain their losses by offering skilled IT staff "golden handcuffs" — deferred loyalty bonuses that tie them in until a certain date — other organizations, like local governments, are unable to match the competitive salaries and perks on offer in the private sector and contractor market, and are suffering turnover rates of up to 60% a year.

But while loyalty bonuses have grabbed the headlines, there are other means of holding on to staff. Some companies are doing additional IT pay reviews in the year and paying market premiums. But such measures can create serious employee relations problems among those excluded, both within and outside IT departments. Many industry experts advise employers to link bonuses to performance wherever possible. However, employers are realising that bonuses will only succeed if they are accompanied by other incentives such as attractive career prospects, training, and challenging work that meets the individual's long-term ambitions.

According to the passage, the success of IT departments will depend on ______.

A.their success at retaining their skilled staff

B.the extent to which they invest in new technology

C.their attempts to recruit staff with the necessary skills

D.the ability of employees to keep up with the latest developments

This month Singapore passed a bill that would give legal teeth to the moral obligation to
support one's parents. Called the Maintenance of Parents Bill, it received the backing of the Singapore Government.

That does not mean it hasn't generated discussion. Several members of the Parliament opposed the measure as un-Asian. Others who acknowledged the problem of the elderly poor believed it a disproportionate response. Still others believe it will subvert relations within the family; cynics dubbed it the "Sue Your Son" law.

Those who say that the bill does not promote filial responsibility, of course, are right. It has nothing to do with filial responsibility. It kicks in where filial responsibility fails. The law cannot legislate filial responsibility any more than it can legislate love. All the law can do is to provide a safety net where this morality proves insufficient. Singapore needs this bill not to replace morality, but to Provide incentives to shore it up.

Like many other developed nations, Singapore faces the problems of an increasing proportion of people over 60 years of age. Demography is inexorable. In 1980, 7.2% of the population was in this bracket. By the turn of the century, that figure will grow to 11%. By 2030, the proportion is projected to be 26%. The problem is not old age per se. It is that the ratio of economically active people to economically inactive people will decline.

But no amount of government exhortation or paternalism will completely eliminate the problem of old people who have insufficient means to make ends meet. Some people will fall through the holes in any safety net.

Traditionally, a person's insurance against poverty in his old age was his family. This is not a revolutionary concept. Nor is it uniquely Asian. Care and support for one's parents is a universal value shared by all civilized societies.

The problem in Singapore is that the moral obligation to look after one's parents is unenforceable. A father can be compelled by law to maintain his children. A husband can be forced to support his wife. But, until now, a son or daughter had no legal obligation to support his or her parents.

In 1989, an advisory council .was set up to look into the problems of the aged. Its report stated with a tinge of complacency that 95% of those who did not have their own income were receiving cash contributions from relations. But what of the 5% who aren't getting relatives' support? They have several options: (a) get a job and work until they die; (b) apply for public assistance (you have to be destitute to apply); or (c) starve 'quietly. None of these options is socially acceptable. And what if this 5% figure grows, as it is likely to do, as society ages.'?

The Maintenance of Parents Bill was put forth to encourage the traditional virtues that have so far kept Asian nations from some of the breakdowns encountered in other affluent societies. This legislation will allow a person to apply to the court for maintenance from any or all of his children. The court would have the discretion to refuse to make an order if it is unjust.

Those who deride the proposal for opening up the courts to family lawsuits miss the point. Only in extreme cases would any parent take his child to court. If it does indeed become law, the bill's effect would be far more subtle.

First, it will reaffirm the notion that it is each individual's -- not society's -- responsibility to look after his parents. Singapore is still conservative enough that most people will not object to this idea. It reinforces the traditional values and it doesn't hurt a society now and then to remind itself of its core values.

Second, and more important, it will make those who are inclined to shirk their responsibilities think twice. Until now, if a person asked family elders, cler

A.received unanimous support in the Singapore Parliament.

B.was believed to solve all the problems of the elderly poor.

C.was intended to substitute for traditional values in Singapore.

D.was passed to make the young more responsible to the old.

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