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Sometimes, people simply do not realize they are being ill mannered. Take Ted, for example

. He prides himself on speaking his mind, and has something to say on everything. But his frankness is often extremely embarrassing.

He is incapable of saying, " I thought that last advertising campaign had a lot of good ideas in it, but perhaps next time we could give the copy more vitality(活力). " Instead, he would say, " That campaign was a disaster. A child of three could have done better !"

The fact that he is often right does not help. Other employees dislike his manner even more, but he is too insensitive to notice.

Another character among the list of ill-mannered employees is Sally, who seems to regard just being at work as a severe punishment. Everything is done unwillingly. Asking her to do a task beyond her basic job description is often not worth the trouble. It will be done, but only half-heartedly.

Fergus is just the opposite. He shows an over-familiarity to his boss. When an important visitor is shown into the manager's office, Fergus cannot take the hint and leave. Instead he will attempt to take part in the conversation, declaring, "You can talk in front of me. Henry and I don't have many secrets, do we?" Over the years Fergus has fallen behind his former equal. But he seeks to maintain the same close relationship that he imagines existed in their younger days.

Which of the following words describes Ted best?





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更多“Sometimes, people simply do no…”相关的问题
Body language can sometimes lead to_since people of different cultures often have di

Body language can sometimes lead to_since people of different cultures often

have different forms of behavior. for sending the same message or have different

interpretations of the same signal

A. misunderstanding

B. communication

C. agreement

D. effectiveness

Health Care and Epidemics (流行病)Everyone suffers from disease at some time or another.Ho

Health Care and Epidemics (流行病)

Everyone suffers from disease at some time or another. However, millions of people around the world do not have good health care. Sometimes they have no money to pay for medical treatment. Sometimes they have money, but there is no doctor. Sometimes the doctor does not know how to treat the disease, and sometimes there is no treatment. Some people are afraid of doctors. When these conditions are present in large population centers, epidemics can start.

Epidemics can change history. Explorations and wars cause different groups of people to come into contact with other. They carry strange disease to each other. For example, when the Europeans first came to North and South America, they brought diseases with them that killed about 95 percent of the Native American population.

People are very afraid of unknown things, especially diseases. People have all kinds of ideas about how to prevent and treat disease. Some people think that if you eat lots of onions or garlic, you won' t get sick. Others say you should take huge amounts of vitamins. Scientific experiments have not proved most of these theories. However, people still spend millions of dollars on vitamins and other probably useless treatments or preventatives. Some people want antibiotics whenever they get sick. Some antibiotics are very expensive. Much of this money is wasted because some diseases are caused by a virus. Viruses are even smaller than bacteria, and they cause different kinds of diseases. Antibiotics are useless against viruses.

Because of their fear, people can be cruel to victims of disease. Sometimes they fire them from their jobs, throw them out of their apartments, and refuse them transportation services.

In the plague (瘟疫) epidemics a few hundred years ago, people simply covered the doors and windows of the victim' s houses and left them to die inside, all in an effort to protect themselves from getting sick.

Doctors know how most epidemic diseases spread. Some, like tuberculosis, are spread when people' s sneeze (喷嚏) sends the bacteria shooting out into the air. Then they enter the mouth or nose of anyone nearby.

Others are spread through human contact, such as on the hands. When you are sick and blow your nose, you get viruses or bacteria on your hands. Then you touch another person' s hand, and when that person touches his or her mouth, nose, or eyes, the disease enters the body. Some diseases spread when people touch the same dishes, towels, and furniture. You can pick up a disease when you touch things in public buildings.

Other diseases are spread through insects such as flies, mosquitoes, and ticks.

One disease that causes frequent, worldwide epidemics is influenza, or flu for short. The symptoms (症状) of influenza include headache and sometimes a runny nose. Some victims get sick to their stomachs. These symptoms are similar to symptoms of other, milder diseases. Influenza can be a much more serious disease, especially for pregnant women, people over sixty-five, and people already suffering from another disease, such as heart problems. About half of all flu patients have a high body temperature, called a fever. Flu is very contagious. One person catches the flu from another person; it doesn't begin inside the body as heart disease does.

Sometimes medicine can relieve the symptoms. That is, it can make a person cough less, make headaches less intense, and stop noses from running for a while. However, medicine can ' t always cure the disease. So far, there is no cure for many diseases and no medicine to prevent them. People have to try to prevent them in other ways.

Some diseases can be prevented by vaccination (接种疫苗). A liquid vaccine is injected into the arm or taken by mouth and the person is safe from catching that




Living in a second culture can be like riding on a roller coaster. Sometimes foreign visit
ors are elated; sometimes they are depressed. First there is the combination of enthusiasm and excitement that is felt while travelling. New foods and aromas, different faces, foreign language, and interesting customs all fascinate the traveller. A foreign visitor usually has high expectations and is eager to become familiar with a new culture.

Of course, international travellers may have difficulties in understanding the adjustment problems that trouble them. Many people do not recognize that the problems, feelings, and mood changes that are related to living in a second culture are not unique. It is common for international visitors or immigrants to vacillate(摇摆) between loving and hating a new country. The newness and strangeness of a foreign cul ture are bound to affect a traveller's emotions.'

"Culture shock" occurs as a result of total immersion(沉浸) in a new culture. It happens to "peo ple who have been suddenly transplanted abroad". Newcomers may be anxious because they do not speak the language, know the customs, or understand people's behavior. in daily life. The visitor finds that "yes" may not always mean "yes", or that statements that appear to be serious are really intended as jokes. The notion of "culture shock" helps explain feelings of bewilderment and disorientation (不辨方向 ).Language problems do not account for all the frustrations(挫折) that people feel. When one is deprived of everything that was once familiar, such as understanding a transportation system, knowing how to register for university classes, or knowing bow to make friends, difficulties in coping with new society may arise.

The word "elated" (Para. 1, Line 2) means ______.





It is curious how often sympathy for the old and infirm takes a form. which actually humil
iates them. Their friends, with good will, sometimes lean forward to rearrange their neckwear, touching their hair or patting their faces-things they would never presume to do, unasked, to one of their contemporaries. An equally humiliating habit is to talk about old people in front of them as if they were not there, discussing their health.

It is now universally accepted that children should be encouraged to do as much as they can for themselves in order to develop their brains and muscles, but so few people today seem to have time to allow the elderly the same means of keeping their minds and muscles active. They perform. innumerable services for the old that they would be much better left to do, even with a struggle, for themselves.

Convenient flats, "motherly" visitors, or organized entertainments cannot make up for the fundamental need which must be satisfied--the need to retain to the end of life human dignity and the respect of one's fellows.

Many people are not aware that it is rather rude to______.

A.talk casually about old people in front of them as if they were not there

B.show sympathy for the old

C.take care of the old when they are not iii

D.pat the faces of the contemporaries

The number of people in the U.S.who choose not to marry is growing every year.By 1996 about 25 million people over the age of 21 years were living alone.50 years ago this number was less than 2 million.One reason for this is because people are getting married at a much later age than in the past.The average age for men is now 27 years.For women it is about 25 years.Another reason is the increase in the number of divorces.

Living alone has become more acceptable in American society.In the past people sometimes think those who lived alone were a little strange.These days,however,several of the most popular TV shows tell the story of men and women who can't meet "the right person" and who plan to be single forever.Many such single people (especially women) feel that they are more free to pursue (追求) their careers (事业) than those who are married.In a way these people are married to their jobs.

1.About 23 million people over the age of 21 were not married in America by 1996.



2.Most of men usually get married at the age of 27 in America.



3.In the past,people thought it was impossible to live alone.



4.Some people in America wouldn't like to get married,because they can't meet "the right person".



5.More and more people in the U.S.choose not to marry.



Over half the world's people now live in cities. The latest "Global Report on Human Settle
ments" says a significant change took place last year. The report【C1】______this week from U. N. Habitat, a United Nations agency.

A century ago,【C2】______than five percent of all people lived in cities.【C3】______the middle of this century it could be seventy percent, or【C4】______six and a half billion people. Already three-fourths of people in【C5】______countries live in cities. Now most urban population【C6】______is in the developing world.

Urbanization can【C7】______to social and economic progress, but also put【C8】______on cities to provide housing and【C9】______. The new report says almost two hundred thousand people move【C10】______cities and towns each day. It says worsening inequalities,【C11】______by social divisions and differences in【C12】______, could result in violence and crime【C13】______cities

plan better.

Another issue is urban sprawl(无序扩展的城区). This is where cities【C14】______quickly into rural areas, sometimes【C15】______a much faster rate than urban population growth.

Sprawl is【C16】______in the United States. Americans move a lot. In a recent study, Art Hall at the University of Kansas found that people are moving away from the【C17】______cities to smaller ones. He sees a【C18】______toward "de-urbanization" across the nation.

【C19】______urban economies still provide many【C20】______that rural areas do not.


A.came on

B.came off

C.came over

D.came out

EXTENDED FAMILY In an extended family, all the people share one household. Apart from
parents and children, there may be other family members grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. That is to say, a large family may have more than two generations, and often there are more than two adults from different generations of a family. The family members live together for many reasons. They may help to bring up children or to take care of an ill relative. They may also help with saving money. Sometimes children are brought up by their grandparents, for their parents have died or can never take care of them. Many grandparents look after the children,particularly when both parents are busy working. This large family is called extended family. It can be found all over the world. The number of these families has increased by 40 percent in the past ten years. Most of such families live happily together.

1. In an extended family, people live in different houses.()

2. An extend family includes at least three generations.()

3.In an extended family, children are looked after by their grandparents because their parents are traveling around.()

4. Extended families can be found all over the world.()

5. Children can live happily with their parents and grandparents.()

Insure means to protect ___1___ a loss of money. Most people can budget their money so t
hat their income will cover expected expenses ___2___ food, clothing, housing, and public services. But, there is no way to know___3___who will suffer a crisis such as a serious illness, fire, flood, or a car accident. Such crises usually___4___great expenses. Even if people could predict crises, it would be hard to save enough money to ___5___the expenses. Insurance is a system___6___a company collects money from many individuals and then pays certain expenses whenever one of those insured individuals is faced with a certain crisis. An insurance policy___7___ how much the insurance costs and how much the company will pay when a policy holder is faced with a certain crisis. There are many different kinds of insurance,___8___hospital, motor-car and fire. Insurance can be rather expensive but most people buy insurance of some kind. Insurance is something___9___ people buy and hope they will___10___need.

1. A. for B. from C. against D. with

2. A. such as B. for example C. that D. the same as

3. A. predict B. ahead C. in advance D. earlier

4. A. result from B. make C. take D. result in

5. A. cover B. pay back C. fill D. make full

6. A. that B. by which C. what D. where

7. A. said B. agree C. make sure D. states

8. A. include B. including C. as well as D. also

9. A. which B. that C. as D. like

10. A. never B. ever C. sometimes D. often

Business and government leaders also consider the inflation rate to be an important genera
l indicator. Inflation is a period of increased【C1】______ that causes rapid rises in prices.【C2】______ your money buys fewer goods so that you get.【C3】______ for the same amount of money as before, inflation is the problem. There is a general rise【C4】______ the price of goods and services. Your money buys less. Sometimes people describe inflation as a(n)【C5】______ when "a dollar is not worth a dollar anymore.

Inflation is a problem for all consumers. People who live on a fixed income are hurt the【C6】______ .Retired people, for instance, cannot【C7】______ on an increase in income as prices rise. Elderly people who do not, work face serious problems in stretching their incomes to【C8】______ their needs in time of inflation. Retirement income【C9】______ any fixed income usually does not rise as fast as prices. Many retired people must cut their spending to【C10】______ rising prices. In many cases they must stop【C11】______ some necessary items, such as food and clothing. Even【C12】______ working people whose incomes are going up, inflation can be a problem. The【C13】______ of living goes up, too. People who work must have even more money to keep up their standard of living. Just buying the things they need costs more. When incomes do not keep【C14】______ with rising prices, the standard of living goes down. People may be earning the same amount of money, but they are not living【C15】______ because they are not able to buy as many goods and services.

Government units gather information about prices in our economy and publish it as price indexes 【C16】______ the rate of change can be determined. A price index measures changes in prices using the price for a【C17】______ year as the base. The base price is set 【C18】______ 100, and the other prices are reported as a【C19】______ of the base price. A price index makes【C20】______ possible to compare current prices of typical consumer goods, for example, with prices of the same goods in previous years.






In business, people have to deal in person with all kinds of people. When talking to people within your company who don't speak your language,

In business, people have to deal in person with all kinds of people. When talking to people within your company who don't speak your language, you may have to use English; these people may be colleagues or co-workers – who may work with you in your own department, in another part of the building or in another branch. And you may also have to deal with people from outside the organization: clients, suppliers, visitors and members of the public. Moreover, these people may be friends or strangers – people of your own age, or people who are younger or older than you.

The relationship you have with a person determines the kind of language you use. For example, it's not appropriate to say 'Hi, how are you!' when meeting the Managing Director of a large company or to say'Good morning, it's a great pleasure to meet you'when being introduced to a person you'll be working closely with in the same team.

People usually form. an impression of you from the way you speak and behave – not just from the way you do your work. People in different countries have different ideas of what sounds friendly, polite or sincere – and of what sounds rude or unfriendly! Good manners in your culture may be considered bad manners in another. Sometimes your body language, gestures and expressions may tell people more about you than the words you use.

1.The topic of the passage is __________.

A. self-image in business situation

B. the importance of appropriate choice of language

C. dealing with people in business

2.The language you use when talking with people in business is decided by _________.

A. your relationship with the particular person

B. yourself

C. your boss

3.People usually form. an impression of you from _________.

A. your way of doing jobs

B. your language and manners

C. your facial expressions

4.Good manners in your culture may be considered bad manners in another. Good manners in this statement mean ___________.

A. to behave politely

B. to behave lovely

C. to behave aggressively

5.The message of the article is that ________________.

A. dealing with people successfully in business is not easy

B. clients with different cultural background is most challenging

C. language plays a very important role in setting up business relationship


Extended family

In an extended family, all the people share one household. Apart from parents and children, there may be other family members: grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. That is to say, a large family may have more than two generations, and often there are more than two adults from different generations of a family.

The family members live together for many reasons. They may help to bring up children or to take care of an ill relative. They may also help with saving money. Sometimes children are brought up by their grandparents, for their parents have died or can never take care of them. Many grandparents look after the children, particularly when both parents are busy working. This large family is called extended family. It can be found all over the world. The number of these families has increased by 40 percent in the past ten years. Most of such families live happily together.


1. In an extended family, people live in different houses.()

2. An extend family includes at least three generations. ()

3.In an extended family, children are looked after by their grandparents because their parents are traveling around. ()

4. Extended families can be found all over the world. ()

5. Children can live happily with their parents and grandparents. ()

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