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Many visitors finds the fast pace at which American people move very troubling. One’s

first impression is likely to be that everyone is in a rush. City people always appear to be hurrying to get where they are going and are very impatient if they are delayed even for a brief moment. At first, this may seem unfriendly to you. Drivers will rush you; storekeepers will be in a hurry as they serve you; people will push past you as they walk along the street. You will miss smiles, brief conversations with people as you shop or dine away from home. Do not think that because Americans are in such a hurry they are unfriendly. Often, life is much slower outside the big cities, as is true in other countries as well. Americans who live in cities such as New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles, often think that everyone is equally in a hurry to get things done; they expect others to “push back”, just as city people do in Tokyo, Singapore or Paris, for example. But when they discover that you are a stranger, most Americans become quite kindly and will take great care to help you. Many of them first came to the city as strangers and they remember how frightening a new city can be .If you need help or want to ask a question, choose a friendly looking person and say, “I am a stranger here. Can you help me?” Most people will stop, smile at you, and help you find you way or answer your questions. But you must let them know that you need help. Otherwise they are likely to pass you by, not noticing that you are new to the city and in need of help. Occasionally, you may find someone too busy or perhaps too rushed to give you aid. If this happens, do not be discouraged; just ask someone else. Most Americans enjoy helping a stranger.

1.Many people who first visit the United States will find that _______.

A、 America is a highly developed country

B、 American city people seem to be always in a rush

C、 the fast pace in American life often causes much trouble

D、 Americans are impatient and unfriendly people

2.When the author says “You will miss smile”, he means ___________.

A、 you will fail to notice that Americans are pleasant and happy

B、 you will be puzzled why Americans do not smile at you

C、 you will feel that Americans do not seem very friendly

D、 you will find that Americans don't have much sense of humor

3.In the author’s opinion, ___________.

A、 it is true that life in New York is much faster than that in any other city

B、 people living outside big cities are lazy and miserable

C、 most American people enjoy living in the suburbs of big cities

D、 those who are busy are not necessarily unfriendly

4.The life pace in cities is much ___________ than the one outside cities.

A、 faster

B、 slower

C、 happier

D、 sadder

5.If you say to an American that you are a stranger there, most probably he will _________.

A、 offer his help

B、 stop smiling at you

C、 help you find the way

D、 reply that he is pleased to meet you

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更多“Many visitors finds the fast p…”相关的问题
Living in a second culture can be like riding on a roller coaster. Sometimes foreign visit
ors are elated; sometimes they are depressed. First there is the combination of enthusiasm and excitement that is felt while travelling. New foods and aromas, different faces, foreign language, and interesting customs all fascinate the traveller. A foreign visitor usually has high expectations and is eager to become familiar with a new culture.

Of course, international travellers may have difficulties in understanding the adjustment problems that trouble them. Many people do not recognize that the problems, feelings, and mood changes that are related to living in a second culture are not unique. It is common for international visitors or immigrants to vacillate(摇摆) between loving and hating a new country. The newness and strangeness of a foreign cul ture are bound to affect a traveller's emotions.'

"Culture shock" occurs as a result of total immersion(沉浸) in a new culture. It happens to "peo ple who have been suddenly transplanted abroad". Newcomers may be anxious because they do not speak the language, know the customs, or understand people's behavior. in daily life. The visitor finds that "yes" may not always mean "yes", or that statements that appear to be serious are really intended as jokes. The notion of "culture shock" helps explain feelings of bewilderment and disorientation (不辨方向 ).Language problems do not account for all the frustrations(挫折) that people feel. When one is deprived of everything that was once familiar, such as understanding a transportation system, knowing how to register for university classes, or knowing bow to make friends, difficulties in coping with new society may arise.

The word "elated" (Para. 1, Line 2) means ______.





A.There are many visitors there.B.There are many students there.C.There are many old s

A.There are many visitors there.

B.There are many students there.

C.There are many old streets there.

D.There are many bicycles there.

There are many kinds of ants in the world that always live in companies. 世界上总以群
居生活的蚂蚁有很多种。 They are the most hard-working creatures and most of them make their nests

under ground. The small black ants that we see running back and forth in the grass are the same ants that bother us by coming to our picnics uninvited. They are not trying to be harmful, but are only doing the house-keeping job they were made for.

They are nature's clean-up crew. One of these ants, scouting(搜索) in the grass, finds the trail of an injured beetle. In some mysterious way the news spreads. Soon there are two ants, then a few more. Then a dozen or more are running around the beetle. Enough ants will come to put an end to it.

Then the beetle is dead, the ants carry it away to their underground nests. They leave nothing in the grass but empty shell.

(1)、The ants that come to our picnics are having fun.



(2)、According to this passage, the black ants' job is to clean up the grass.



(3)、As soon as an ant finds an injured insect, it carries it away and eats it.



(4)、More ants learn about the beetle from other ants.



(5)、The ants clean the grass by carrying away everything but the shell.



听力原文:Outrageous shopping bills are a familiar nightmare for many compulsive shoppers.
And contrary to popular opinion, men suffer that nightmare nearly as often as women. A new survey finds that both genders are almost equally likely to suffer compulsive buying disorder, a condition marked by uncontrollable, unnecessary and unaffordable shopping sprees. Researchers used to estimate that between 2 and 16 percent of the US population suffered compulsive buying disorder, and that 90 percent of sufferers were female. But a 2004 telephone survey of more than 2,500 American adults found that 6 percent of women and about 5.5 percent of men are compulsive shoppers; that's more than 1 in 20 adults. The sexes do not shop at the same aisles though. Experts say that women are more likely to binge-buy things like clothes or gifts for other people while men tend to buy expensive electronics. This survey is the first to find such a high number of compulsive shoppers in the general population. Study authors hope that this finding can convince doctors of how many people are hurt by the disorder, so they can make finding a cure a priority.

How many people of US population suffered compulsive buying disorder?

A.2 to 60 percent.

B.2 to 16 percent.

C.20 to 60 percent.

D.16 to 20 percent.

It is curious how often sympathy for the old and infirm takes a form. which actually humil
iates them. Their friends, with good will, sometimes lean forward to rearrange their neckwear, touching their hair or patting their faces-things they would never presume to do, unasked, to one of their contemporaries. An equally humiliating habit is to talk about old people in front of them as if they were not there, discussing their health.

It is now universally accepted that children should be encouraged to do as much as they can for themselves in order to develop their brains and muscles, but so few people today seem to have time to allow the elderly the same means of keeping their minds and muscles active. They perform. innumerable services for the old that they would be much better left to do, even with a struggle, for themselves.

Convenient flats, "motherly" visitors, or organized entertainments cannot make up for the fundamental need which must be satisfied--the need to retain to the end of life human dignity and the respect of one's fellows.

Many people are not aware that it is rather rude to______.

A.talk casually about old people in front of them as if they were not there

B.show sympathy for the old

C.take care of the old when they are not iii

D.pat the faces of the contemporaries

Break-upOnce in a person's lifetime, everyone finds this one perfect person whom they fall


Once in a person's lifetime, everyone finds this one perfect person whom they fall hopelessly in love with and live happily with ever after. That is a mere fallacy. In the real world, this simply does not happen. Yes, people do have common interests and therefore develop romantic involvement, but it is basic common sense that these relationships have a life span and simply cannot last. Real life relationships are definitely more like "The Real World" rather than "Romeo and Juliet".

Romanticism is wonderful in itself, and thus two people can live in heavenly bliss, but it all must come to an end somehow. It is a fact of life that couples do break up, and there are many reasons why. There are countless reasons, ranging from cheating to abuse, attributing to breakups.


One reason why couples might break up is money or a lack thereof. If one partner in a relationship is always paying or keeping up all the bills, his/her partner just might grow tired of it and decide that it is a valid reason to separate. For example, a woman who is always lending her boyfriend money for his rent, car note, and social expenses will probably eventually grow tired of it and leave him.


More reasons why couples separate, addictions often result in ugly breakups. Whether it is an addiction to drugs, gambling, or whatever, hardly anyone would be willing to take that on an everyday basis. Most people would agree that it is not pretty to see someone throw their life away on addictions. It is simply not attractive and thus, not many people would want to be with someone with an extreme problem like that.

Physical Assets

An unfortunate reason for a breakup, physical disabilities, also occurs at times. This can range from a paralyzing accident to infertility. To some people, having children is the most important priority in their adult life. Having a partner who is unable to have children can very much hinder a relationship. Thus, it will not last. Likewise, having a partner who has a paralyzing disability might be too much for someone to take. Being with a person, who becomes handicapped, though unfortunate, is a big burden to place on a person.

Test of Time and Distance

Growing apart, an instance in which two people just do not feel attraction towards each other anymore is very commonplace, resulting in an end of a relationship. Some couples simply "fall out of love". Some people can only stand so much of another person before they grow tired of the situation. Also, it could be as a result to distance. For example, when a couple who were together in high school go their own ways in choosing colleges, this, more often than not, results in the couple breaking up. A long distance relationship like that simply does not work out often.

"I Want the Better."

In direct relation to growing apart, a person sometimes finds another person besides their boy/ girlfriend who they are attracted to. Finding somebody "better" will kill a relationship quickly, and start a new relationship, If a person finds someone more attractive than the person they are currently with, they might have to weigh their options and decide that they want to go another direction.


Likewise, when a person finds someone they like, this could result in cheating, another reason why couples break up. If a guy catches his girlfriend cheating on him, or vice versa, this could very well be a valid reason to end that relationship. Finding someone cheating leads to a lack of trust and thus, kills the relationship.


Also, another very serious reason resulting in a break-up is abuse. When someone abuses his or her girlfriend, spouse, or children, a break-up is definitely necessary. Someone who is taking abuse is playing with f





To get a sense of how women have progressed in science take a quick tour of the physics department at the University ofCalifornia,Berkeley.This is a storied place the 36 of some of the most important discoveries in modern science-starting withErnest Lawrence' s invention of the cvclotron(回旋加速器)in 1931.

A、 generation ago female faces were 37 and,even today,visitors walking through the first floor of LeConte Hall will See a full corridor of exhibits 38 the many distinguished physicists who made history here, 39 all of there white malesBut climb up to the third floor and you' II see a 40 display.There,among the photos of current facnlty members and students are portraits of the 41 head of the department,Marjorie Shapiro and four other women whose reseaich 42 everything from the mecheanics of the universe to the smallest particles of matter.

A、sixth woman was hired just two weeks ago.Although they' re Still only about 10 percent of the physics faculty,women are clearly a presence here.And the real 43 may be in the smaller photos to the right graduate and undergraduate students about 20 percent of them female.Every yearsBerkeley sends its fresh female physics PhDs to the country' S top universities.That makes Shapiro optimistic but also 44 "I believe things are getting bette "she says "but they' re not getting better as 45as i would like."










In his book The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell argues that " social epidemics" are driven in large part by the actions of a tiny minority of special individuals, often called influential, who are unusually informed, persuasive, or well-connected. The idea is intuitively compelling, but it doesn't explain how ideas actually spread.

The supposed importance of influentials derives from a plausible-sounding but largely untested theory called the "two-step flow of communication" : Information flows from the media to the influentials and from them to everyone else. Marketers have embraced the two-step flow because it suggests that if they can just find and influence the influentials, those select people will do most of the work for them. The theory also seems to explain the sudden and unexpected popularity of certain looks, brands, or neighborhoods. In many such cases, a cursory search for causes finds that some small group of people was wearing, promoting, or developing whatever it is before anyone else paid attention. Anecdotal evidence of this kind fits nicely with the idea that only certain special people can drive trends.

In their recent work, however, some researchers have come up with the finding that influentials have far less impact on social epidemics than is generally supposed. In fact, they don't seem to be required at all.

The researchers' argument stems from a simple observation about social influence: With the exception of a few celebrities like Oprah Winfrey—whose outsize presence is primarily a function of media, not interpersonal, influence—even the most influential members of a population simply don' t interact with that many others. Yet it is precisely these non-celebrity influentials who, according to the two-step-flow theory, are supposed to drive social epidemics, by influencing their friends and colleagues directly. For a social epidemic to occur, however, each person so affected must then influence his or her own acquaintances, who must in turn influence theirs, and so on; and just how many others pay attention to each of these people has little to do with the initial influential. If people in the network just two degrees removed from the initial influential prove resistant, for example, the cascade of change won't propagate very far or affect many people.

Building on the basic truth about interpersonal influence, the researchers studied the dynamics of social influence by conducting thousands of computer simulations of populations, manipulating a number of variables relating to people's ability to influence others and their tendency to be influenced. They found that the principal requirement for what is called "global cascades"—the widespread propagation of influence through networks—is the presence not of a few influentials but, rather, of a critical mass of easily influenced people.

By citing the book The Tipping Point, the author intends to ().

A.analyze the consequences of social epidemics.

B.discuss influentials' function in spreading ideas.

C.exemplify people' s intuitive response to social epidemics.

D.describe the essential characteristics of influentials.

Were you constantly bored as a child? Maybe that helped you to develop your ability to be

Boredom can be a good thing for children, according to Dr Teresa Belton, researcher at the University of East Anglia ’s School of Education and Lifelong Learning. After interviewing authors, artists and scientists in Britain, she’s reached the conclusion that cultural expectations that children should be constantly active could block the development of their imagination.

British actress and writer Meera Syal grew up in a small mining village with few distractions. The researcher said:“Lack of things to do urged her to talk to people she wouldn’t otherwise have engaged with and try activities she wouldn ’ under other circumstances, have experienced, such as talking to elderly neighbors and learning to bake cakes.”

Belton added: “Boredom made her write. Meera Syal kept a diary from a young age, filling it with observations, short stories, poems. ”

The researcher didn’t ignore the old saying the devil finds work for idle hands, though. Belton pointed out that young people who don ’t have the interior resources to deal with boredom creatively may end up smashing up bus shelters or taking cars out for a joyride.

How about watching TV and videos on the computer? The researcher believes that nothing replaces standing and staring at things and observing your surroundings.

It’s the sort of thing thatstimulates the imagination, she said, while the screen “tends to short circuit that process and the development of creative capacity. ” Dr Belton concluded: “For the sake of creativity, perhaps we need to slow down and stay offline from time to time. ”

11. Dr Teresa Belton did her research by_____ .

A.studying cultural differences

B.interviewing professionals

C.keeping a diary

D.observing the surroundings

The expression “the devil finds work for idle hands ” probably means that people are more likely to ?A.do what they should not do if they meet devils

B.achieve nothing if they work with devils

C.do more work if they didn ’t work hard when they were young

D.get involved in trouble if they have nothing to do with their time

Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A.Deal with boredom wisely

B.Learn from a young age

C.Enjoy village life

D.Forget old sayings

What is Dr Belton ’s advice for youngsters ?A.Observe the world around them

B.Get information online from time to time

C.Remain constantly active

D.Read as many books as possible

Which of the following best describes the village where Meera Syal grew up?A.Modern and open

B.Tiny and unexciting

C.Poor and underdevelopment

D.Remote and violent


For many given task in Britain there are more men than are needed. Strong unions keep them
there. In Fleet Street, home of some of London’s biggest dailies, it is understood that when two unions quarrel over three jobs, the argument is settled by giving each union two. That means 33 percent over-manning, 33 percent less productivity than could be obtained.

A reporter who has visited plants throughout Europe has an impression that the pace of work is much slower here. Nobody tries too hard. Tea breaks do matter and are frequent. It is hard to measure intensity of work, but Britons give a distinct impression of going at their tasks in a more leisurely way.

But is all this so terrible? It certainly does not improve the gross national product or output per worker. Those observant visitors, however, have noticed something about Britain. It is a pleasant place.

Street crowds in Stockholm. Paris and New York move quickly and silently heads down, all in a hurry. London crowds tend to walk at an easy pace (except in the profitable, efficient city, the financial district).

Every stranger is struck by the patient and orderly way in which Britons queue for a bus. If the saleswoman is slow and out of stock, she will likely say, "Oh dear, what a pity The rubbish collectors stop to chat and call the housewives "Luv". Crime rises here as in every city but there still remains a gentle tone and temper that is unmatched in Berlin, Milan or Detroit.

In short, what is wrong with Britain may also be what is right. Having reached a tolerable standard, Britons appear to be choosing leisure over goods.

What happens when quarrels over job opportunities arise among British unions?

A.More jobs will be provided by the union.

B.Thirty three percent of the workers can’t be employed.

C.More people will be employed than necessary.

D.The unions will try to increase productivity.

Governments Are Trying A 1990 United Nations survey revealed that the more highly develope

Governments Are Trying

A 1990 United Nations survey revealed that the more highly developed countries spend an average of 2 to 3 percent of their annual budgets on crime control, while developing countries spend even more, an average of 9 to 14 percent. Increasing the size of the police force and providing it with better equipment takes priority in some localities. But results are mixed. Some Hungarian citizens complain: "There are never enough policemen to catch the criminals but always enough to catch traffic violators."

Many governments have recently found it necessary to pass tougher crime laws. For example, since "kidnapping is on the rise across Latin America," says Time magazine, the governments there have responded with laws that are "at once vigorous and ineffectual .... Passing laws is one thing," it admits, "applying them another."

It is estimated that in Britain more than 100,000 neighborhood watch schemes, covering at least four million homes, existed in 1992. Similar programs were implemented in Australia in the mid -1980's. Their aim, says the Australian Institute of Criminology, is to reduce crime "by improving citizens' awareness about public safety, by improving residents' attitudes and behaviour in reporting crime and suspicious events in the neighbourhood and by reducing vulnerability to crime with the help of property identification and installation of effective security devices."

Closed-circuit television is used in some places to link police stations with commercial premises. Video cameras are used by police, banks, and stores as a crime deterrent or as a tool for identifying lawbreakers.

In Nigeria the police have checkpoints on highways in efforts to apprehend robbers and carjackers. The government has set up a task force on trade malpractices to combat fraud. Policecommunity relations committees made up of community leaders inform. the police of criminal activity and people of questionable character.

Visitors to the Philippines note that homes are generally not left unattended and that many people have watchdogs. Businessmen employ private security guards to protect their businesses. Anti-theft devices for cars sell well. People who can afford to do so withdraw to tightly secured subdivisions or condominiums.

The London newspaper The Independent commented: "As confidence in the rule of law falls, citizens are organising the defence of their own communities in increasing numbers." And more and more people are arming themselves. In the United States, for example, it is estimated that every second household owns at least one gun.

Governments are constantly developing new methods of combating crime. But V. Vsevolodov, of the Academy of Home Affairs in Ukraine, points out that according to UN sources, so many gifted people are finding "unique methods of carrying on criminal activity" that "the training of law enforcement personnel" cannot keep up. Clever criminals funnel huge sums of money back into businesses and social services, merging with society and "gaining for themselves high positions in society."

What is the main reason for citizens to take in hand the defence of themselves?______

A.There are not enough policemen.

B.They do not trust the' rule of law.

C.The police force is inefficient.

D.Security devices do not work.

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