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Her fingers outside her woolen mittens were numb ______ the cold.A: inB: onC: atD: with

Her fingers outside her woolen mittens were numb ______ the cold.

A: in

B: on

C: at

D: with

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阅读:On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Carke, dressed for going out, took her handbag

On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Carke, dressed for going out, took her handbag with her money and her key in it, pulled the door behind her to lock it and went to the over 60s Club. She always went there on Thursdays. It was a nice outing for an old woman who lived alone.

At six o'clock she cane home, let herself in and at once smelt cigarette smoke. Cigarette smoke in her house? How? How? Had someone got in? She checked the back door and the windows. All were locked or fastened, as usual. There was no sign of forced entry.

Over a cup of tea she wondered whether someone might have a key that fitted her front door-"a master key"perhaps. So she stayed at home the following Thursday. Nothing happened. Was anyone watching her movements? On the Thursday after that she went out at her usual time,dressed as usual, but she didn't go to the club. Instead she took a short cut home again, letting herself in through her garden and the back door. She settled down to wait.

It was just after four o'clock when the front door bell rang.Mrs. Clarke was making a cup of tea at the time. The bell rang again, and then she heard her letter-box being pushed open. With the kettle of boiling water in her hand, she moved quietly towards the front door. A long piece of wire appeared through the letter-box, and then a hand. The wire turned and caught around the knob on the door-lock. Mrs. Clarke raised the kettle and poured the water over the hand. There was a shout outside, and the skin seemed to drop off the fingers like a glove. The wire fell to the floor, the hand was pulled back, and Mrs. Clarke heard the sound of running feet.

1.Mrs. Clarke looded forward to Thursday because_______.

A.she worked at a club on the day

B.she said visitors on Thursdays

C.she visited a club on Thursday

D.a special visitor came on Thursday

2.If someone had made a forced entery,_______.

A.Mrs.Clarke would have found a broken door or window

B.he or she was still in the house

C.things would have been thown about

D.he or she would have needed a master key

3.On the third Thursday Mrs. Clarke went out_______.

A.because she didn't want to miss the club again

B.to see if the thief was hnging about outside

C.to the club but then changed her mind

D.in an attempt to trick the thief

4.The lock on the front door was one which_______.

A.needed a piece of wire to open it

B.could he opened from inside without a key

C.could't be opened without a key

D.used a knob instead of a key

5.The wire feel to the floor_______.

A.because Mrs.Clarke refused to open the door

B.when the man's glove dropped off

C.because it was too hot to hold

D.because the man justwanted to get away

The child keeps () for her mother outside during the meeting .


B.to wait


"Fingers were made before forks" when a person gives up good manners, puts aside knife and
fork, and dives into his food, someone is likely to repeat that saying.

The fork was an ancient agricultural tool, but for centuries no one thought of eating with it. Not until the eleventh century, when a young lady from Constantinpole brought her fork to Italy, did the custom reach Europe.

By the fifteenth century the use of the fork was widespread in Italy. The English explanation was that Italians were averse to rating food touched with fingers, "Seeing all men's fingers are not alike clean." English travelers kept their friends in stitches while describing this ridiculous Italian custom.

Anyone who used a fork to eat with was laughed at in England for the next hundred years. Men who used forks were thought to be sissies, and women who used them were called show - offs and overnice. Not until the late 1600's did using a fork become a common custom.

The custom of eating with a fork was ______ .

A.brought to Europe from America

B.begun when forks were invented

C.brought to Europe from Asia

D.invented by Italians

"This is my letter to the World" is a poetic expression of Emily Dickinson’s
___ about her communication with the outside world.






In sixth grade,Marsha Pinto's teacher wanted her to talk more loudly and moreoften,repeatedly tlling Pinto that she would never succeed if she did notparticipate in class discussions and group work.The teacher may have had goodintentions,but she called on Pinto daily and when Pinto was bullied,the teachersuggested it was because she did not stand up for herself."She even said if I didn't participate,I would fail," says Pinto,a recent collegegraduate who now lives in New York City: Pinto was quiet,often slumped in herseat and kept her head down.The pressure from the teacher.along with bllying bya group of girls who regularly teased Pinto about being "weirdr,took its tll,I camehome crying a lot.never wanting to go back to school," says Pinto,now 21.Pinto was.and is.an introvert (内向的人).Linda Silveman,director of the GiftedDevelopment Center in Denver,says extroverts get energy primarily from athers,while introverts can become overloaded or drained by the outside world.There is greater understanding of introverts,and their talents,now than there waseven 10 years ago; however,we stl live in a culture that champions outgoingleadership,vocal cllaboration and visible performance.But Pinto's parents were supportive of her natural tendencies.Instead of pushingher to be more extroverted.they appreciated her as she was.*We felt that pushingher into activities and forcing her to speak would make her feel that she was lackingin something,and that could affect her confidence," says Pinto's father,MelwynPinto."We only encouraged and supported her when she wanted to pursue things."That gentle encouragement helped her discover strengths,including publicspeaking.She became the star of the student morning broadcasts in midle schooland tried to participate in class more.Marsha Pinto thrived in classes with teacherswho appreciated her quiet involvement,often because her parents clued them in toher natural tendencies.1.What could be the reason that Pinto did not want to go toschool?A.She faced pressure from her teacher who wantedto make her outgoing.B.She was afraid of filing a dffcult test.C.She got stage fright for a public speaking contest.D.She recenty moved to New York City and knew noone there.2.What did Pinto's parents do when they found out hernatural tendencies?A.They encouraged her to participate in group work.B.They pushed her into activities.C.They supported her to go ater what she wants.D.They forced her to speak in the public.3.Why did some of Pint's teachers appreciate her quietinvolvement in classes?A.Because of her teachers' empathy.B.Because of her own active participation.C.Because of her parents' efforts.D.Because of her classmates' cooperation.4.What do we learm about introverts from the passage?A.Introverts tend to build better relationships.B.Introverts otten feel upset when they are alone.C.Introverts are less likely to avoid risks.D.Introverts get fuel from the outside world.5.What is this passage mainly about?A.How to turn introverts into extroverts.B.How to train introverts to win a speech cometitin.C.How to help introverts to make up for their defects.D.How to encourage introverts to discover their

Many instructors believe that an informal, relaxed classroom environment is【C1】______to le
arning and innovation. It is not uncommon for students to have【C2】______and friendly relationships with their professors. The【C3】______professor is not necessarily a poor one and is still【C4】______by students. Although students may be in a(n) 【C5】______position,some professors treat them as【C6】______. However, no mat-ter how【C7】______professors would like to be,they still are in a position of【C8】______. Professors may【C9】______social relationships with students outside of the classroom, but in the classroom they【C10】______the instructors role. A professor may have coffee one day with students【C11】______the next day expect them to【C12】______a deadline for the【C13】______of a paper or to be pre-pared【C14】______a discussion or an exam. The professor may give【C15】______attention outside of class to a student in【C16】______of help but probably will not treat him or her differently when it【C17】______evaluating school work. Professors have several roles【C18】______students;they may be counselors and friends as well as teachers. Students must 【C19】______that when a teacher s role changes, they must appropriately【C20】______their behavior. and attitudes.






Life in the United States is changing.Twenty-five years ago the housewife cleaned,cooked and cared for the children.The father earned the money for the family.He was usually out working all day.He came home tired in the evening and so did not see the children very much,except on weekends.

These days,however,many women work outside the home.They can't be at home with the children all day.They,too,come home tired in the evening.They don't have time to do the housework.

Today she can get help.Mothers can leave their children at the day-care centers during the day.The company a woman works for may allow her to work part-time.In that way,she can earn some money,but she can also be with her children part of every day.

Now many men share the housework with their wives.The husband may also spend more time at home with the children.

In the United States more and more men are becoming househusbands every year.These changes in the home mean changes in the family.Fathers can be closer to their children because they are at home more.Fathers and children can understand each other better.Husbands and wives may also find changes in their marriage.They,too,may have better understanding of each other.

1.In those days men ().

A.saw their children in the evenings and on weekends

B.spent a lot of time with their children

C.played with the children all day

D.never saw the children

2.Today there are ().

A.more housewives

B.more women working outside the home

C.not so many women working

D.no jobs for women

3.Day-care centers help ().

A.working mothers with their children


C.with cooking and cleaning

D.women with the housework

4.This passage is about ().


B.American men

C.how many American women are working

D.how family life in America is changing

Ruth Simmons joined Goldman Sachs's board as an outside director in January 2000; a year l
ater she became president of Brown University. For the rest of the decade she apparently managed both roles without attracting much criticism. But by the end of 2009 Ms. Simmons was under fire for having sat on Goldman's compensation committee; how could she have let those enormous bonus payouts pass unremarked? By February the next year Ms. Simmons had left the board. The position was just taking up too much time, she said.

Outside directors are supposed to serve as helpful, yet less biased, advisers on a firm's board. Having made their wealth and their reputations elsewhere, they presumably have enough independence to disagree with the chief executive's proposals. If the sky, and the share price, is falling, outside directors should be able to give advice based on having weathered their own crises.

The researchers from Ohio University used a database that covered more than 10, 000 firms and more than 64, 000 different directors between 1989 and 2004. Then they simply checked which directors stayed from one proxy statement to the next. The most likely reason for departing a board was age, so the researchers concentrated on those "surprise" disappearances by directors under the age of 70. They found that after a surprise departure, the probability that the company will subsequently have to restate earnings increases by nearly 20% . The likelihood of being named in a federal class-action lawsuit also increases, and the stock is likely to perform. worse. The effect tended to be larger for larger firms. Although a correlation between them leaving and subsequent bad performance at the firm is suggestive, it does not mean that such directors are always jumping off a sinking ship. Often they "trade up, " leaving riskier, smaller firms for larger and more stable firms.

But the researchers believe that outside directors have an easier time of avoiding a blow to their reputations if they leave a firm before bad news breaks, even if a review of history shows they were on the board at the time any wrongdoing occurred. Firms who want to keep their outside directors through tough times may have to create incentives. Otherwise outside directors will follow the example of Ms. Simmons, once again very popular on campus.

According to Paragraph 1, Ms. Simmons was criticized for_________.

A.gaining excessive profits

B.failing to fulfill her duty

C.refusing to make compromises

D.leaving the board in tough times

Educating girls quite possibly yields a higher rate of return than any other investment av
ailable in the developing world.

Women's education may be unusual territory for economists, but enhancing women's contribution to development is actually as much an economic as a social issue. And economics, with its emphasis on incentives (激励), provides guideposts that point to an explanation for why so many girls are deprived of an education.

Parents in low-income countries fail to invest in their daughters because they do not expect them to make an economic contribution to the family: girls grow up only to marry into somebody else's family and bear children. Girls are thus seen as less valuable than boys and art kept at home to do housework while their brothers are sent to school the prophecy (预言)becomes self-fulfilling, trapping women in a vicious circle (恶性循环) of neglect.

An educated mother, on the other hand, has greater earning abilities outside the home and faces an entirely different set of choices. She is likely to have fewer but healthier children and can insist on the development of all her children, ensuring that her daughters are given a fair chance. The education of her daughters then makes it much more likely that the next generation of girls, as well as of boys, will be educated and healthy. The vicious circle is thus transformed into a virtuous circle.

Few will dispute that educating women has great social benefits. But it has enormous economic advantages as well. Most obviously, there is the direct effect of education on the wages of female workers. Wages rise by 10 to 20 per cent for each additional year of schooling. Such big returns are impressive by the standard of other available investments, but they are just the beginning. Educating women also has a significant impact on health practices, including family planning.

The author argues that educating girls in developing countries is ______.





The other problem that arises from the employment of women is that of the working wife. It
has two aspects: that of the wife who is more of a success than her husband and that of the wife who must rely heavily on her husband for help with domestic tasks. There are various ways in which the impact of the first difficulty can be reduced. Provided that husband and wife are not in the same or directly comparable lines of work, the harsh fact of her greater success can be obscured by a genial conspiracy to reject a purely monetary measure of achievement as intolerably crude. Where there are ranks, it is best if the couple work in different fields so that the husband can find some special reason for the superiority of the lowest figure in his to the most elevated in his wife's.

A problem that affects a much larger number of working wives is the need to re-allocate domestic tasks if there are children. In The Road to Wigan Pier George Orwell wrote of the unemployed of the Lancashire coalfields! "Practically never...in a working-class home, will you see the man doing a stroke of the housework. Unemployment has not changed this convention, which on the face of it seems a little unfair. The man is idle from morning to night but the woman is as busy as ever—more so, indeed, because she has to manage with less money. Yet so far as my experience goes the women do not protest. They feel that a man would lose his manhood if. merely because he was out of work, he developed in a 'Mary Ann'".

It is over the care of young children that this re-allocation of duties becomes really significant. For this, unlike the cooking of fish fingers or the making of beds, is an inescapably time-consuming occupation, and time is what the fully employed wife has no more to spare of than her husband.

The male initiative in courtship is a pretty indiscriminate affair, something that is tried on with any remotely plausible woman who comes within range and, of course, with all degrees of tentativeness. What decides the issue of whether a genuine courtship is going to get under way is the woman's response. If she shows interest the engines of persuasion are set in movement. The truth is that in courtship society gives women the real power while pretending to give it to men.

What does seem clear is that the more men and women are together, at work and away from it, the more the comprehensive amorousness of men towards women will have to go, despite all its past evolutionary services. For it is this that makes inferiority at work abrasive and, more indirectly, makes domestic work seem unmanly, if there is to be an equalizing redistribution of economic and domestic tasks between men and women there must be a compensating redistribution of the erotic initiative. If women will no longer let us beat them they must allow us to join them as the blushing recipients of flowers and chocolates.

Paragraph One advises the working wife who is more successful than her husband to______.

A.work in the same sort of job as her husband

B.play down her success, making it sound unimportant

C.stress how much the family gains from her high salary

D.introduce more labour-saving machinery into the home

Last night, a fire broke out in Ann’s house in Manchester. Ann’s 21 were out of town for
the weekend when something wrong in the room caused the fire to start in the middle of the night. The 22 was waken up by the family dog, Danny, who was barking loudly in the back garden. Ann smelled something 23. She 24 and 25 ran through the smoke filled house to wake her old brother, Frank. When Frank would not wake up, Ann got some help from the dog. Frank’s unconscious body was far too 26 for the little girl to move alone, but the 27 girl brought the dog 28 and tied the dog’s lend (牵狗的皮带 ) to Frank&39; s left ankle. She then held her brother’s right ankle, and together the girl and the dog 29 Frank to safety. The 10 year old girl, Ann, 30 her big brother from death.

21. A. parents B. brother and sister C. friends D. Classmates

22. A. child B. boy C. girl D. dog

23. A. delicious B. bad C. burn D. burning

24. A. stood up B. woke up C. got up D. put up

25. A. at once B. at first C. at last D. at that moment

26. A . big B. small C . light D. heavy

27. A. careless B. busy C. clever D. careful

28. A. inside B. outside C. back D. near

29. A. pushed B. pulled C. carded D. made

30. A. was received B. got C. was saved D. saved

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